
Wrap Machine Guide包装机器指南

Wrap Machine Guide




The Wrap machine is a software product that can be used for transferring NBU (utility token of the Nimbus platform) and GNBU (governance token of the Nimbus platform) tokens from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Binance Smart Chain and vice versa. The network charges gas fees for this action:

包装机器是一种可将 NBU(Nimbus 平台的实用代币)和 GNBU(Nimbus 平台的治理代币)代币从以太坊主网转移至币安智能链的软件,反之亦然。网络为此操作收取气费:

Wrapping gas fee, which is calculated in those tokens (ERC-20 or BEP-20) that the user wants to transfer from one network to another;


Confirmation gas fee required by the wallet and calculated either in ETH or in BNB, depending on the standard of the token that the user wants to convert;


Permission gas fee required by wallet for the permission to use tokens and calculated either in ETH or in BNB, depending on the standard of the token that the user wants to convert (needs to be paid only once when using the Wrap machine for the first time).

钱包使用代币所需的许可气费,以ETH或BNB计算,取决于用户想要转换的代币标准(第一次使用包装机器时只需支付一次 )。

Important! Before using the Wrap machine (and any other sections of the Platform), the user needs to make sure the wallet is connected to the Platform. MetaMask will be used in this Guide as an example.

重要信息!在使用包装机器(以及平台的任何其他部分)之前,用户需要确保钱包已连接到平台。本指南将以MetaMask 为示例。

Interface Content


In case the user connected to the Platform via BSC, he/she will see that the mechanism is called Unwrap Machine, though the functionality remains the same.

如果用户通过 BSC 连接到平台,他/她将看到该机制称为 Unwrap Machine,但其功能保持不变。

To start using the Wrap machine, the user needs to click on the Token Wrapbutton highlighted in purple at the top of the Platform interface (Figure 1).

要开始使用包装机器,用户需要单击 Platform 界面顶部的紫色Token Wrap键(图 1)。

A new section will open (Figure 2). 3 windows with different destination can be seen there:

将打开一个新生物部分(图 2)。 在那里可以看到3个不同的窗口:

Figure 2  图2

Token Wrapper — this window provides the user with various information (Figure 3);

Token Wrapper – 该窗口为用户提供各种信息(图 3);

Figure 3   图3

Wrap history — this window shows the transaction history (the history of one of the users is given as an example; Figure 4);

包装历史记录 – 此窗口显示交易历史记录(以其中一位用户的历史记录为例;图 4);

Figure 4  图4

Wrap — this window is used for transferring tokens from one network to another (Figure 5).

Wrap – 此窗口用于将代币从一个网络转移至另一个网络(图 5)。

Figure 5  图5

Transferring Tokens from One Network to Another


Let’s take a closer look at the Wrap window (Figure 5).

让我们仔细看看 Wrap 窗口(图 5)。

In the window at the top, the user can enter the required number of tokens to be transferred from one network to another. The window also shows information about the current balance on the wallet (Figure 6).

在顶部的窗口中,用户可以输入从一个网络转移至另一个网络所需的代币数量。该窗口还显示有关钱包当前余额的信息(图 6)。

Figure 6  图6

By clicking on the drop-down list, the user can select a token that needs to be transferred from one network to another (Figure 7).


Figure 7  图7

The BSC recipient value is filled out automatically with the wallet address of the current user (Figure 8). The Minimal amount value (the minimum amount of tokens for the transfer) is calculated automatically according to the formula Wrapping gas fee * 2. The Wrapping gas fee value (commission for the transaction) is also calculated automatically. All these indicators are calculated once the number of tokens for the transfer is entered.

BSC接收者自动填写当前用户的钱包地址(图8)。最小金额值(用于转账的代币的最小金额)根据包装气费公式* 2自动计算。包装气费(交易手续费)也会自动计算。一旦输入了用于转账的代币数量,就会自动计算所有这些指标。

Figure 8  图8

The You will receive value (the number of tokens that the user will receive; Figure 9) is also calculated automatically once the number of tokens for the transfer is entered.

输入转账的代币数量后,您将收到的价格(用户将收到的代币数量;图 9)也会自动计算。

Figure 9  图9

In order to transfer tokens from one network to another, the user needs to enter the amount of tokens he/she wants to transfer (Figure 10). Only unvested tokens can be wrapped.

为了将代币从一个网络转移至另一个网络,用户需要输入他/她想要转移的代币数量(图 10)。只能包装未归属的代币。

Figure 10  图10

Then, the user needs to click on the Wrap button. The first time the wrap machine is used, the wallet will ask for permission to use the tokens. This request appears only once (Figure 11), which means that the gas fee for this action needs to be paid once. The user needs to confirm it by clicking on the Confirm button.

然后,用户需要点击 Wrap 按钮。第一次使用包装机器时,钱包会请求使用代币的权限。这个请求只出现一次(图11),这意味着这个操作的气费只需支付一次。用户需要通过单击确认键进行确认。

Important: The gas fee may be charged either in ETH or in BNB, depending on the network that the user wants to transfer his tokens from. For instance, if the user wants to transfer NBU tokens from the Ethereum network to BSC, he/she will need to pay the gas fee in ETH. If the user wants to transfer NBU tokens from BSC to the Ethereum network, he/she will need to pay the gas fee in BNB.

重要提示:气费可能以 ETH 或 BNB 的形式收取,具体取决于用户想要从中转移其代币的网络。例如,如果用户想将 NBU 代币从以太坊网络转移至BSC,他/她将需要以 ETH 支付气费。如果用户想将NBU代币从 BSC 转移至以太坊网络,他/她需要以 BNB 支付气费。

Figure 11  图11

After that, the wallet will ask the user to confirm the transaction by clicking on the Confirm button (Figure 12). The gas fee needs to be paid for this action.

之后,钱包将要求用户点击确认键确认交易(图 12)。此操作需要支付气费。

Figure 12  图12

Once done, the tokens will be transferred from one network to another.


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